Top AFRICA Live NewsTV channels...
1. NIGERIA Live NewsTV channels...
Coat of Arms
Capital: Abuja
Language: English
Area: 923.768 km
Population: 204,630.242
GDP per capita: $6.232
TVC News Nigeria is a 24-hour Nigerian news and current affairs television channel owned and operated by TV Continental, a commercial television network headquartered in Lagos.
2. SOUTH AFRICA Live NewsTV chan
Coat of Arms
Capital: Pretoria
Language: English, Zulu
Area: 1,221.037 km
Population: 58,775.022
Curency: South Africa rand ZAR
GDP per capita: $13.865
3. EGYPT Live NewsTV channels...
Coat of Arms
Capital: Cairo
Language: Arabic
Area: 1,010.408 km
Population: 100,075.480
Currency: Egyptian pound EGP
GDP per capita: $14.023
4. ALGERIA Live NewsTV channels...
Coat of Arms
Capital: Algiers
Language: Arabic, Berber
Area: 2,381.741 km
Population: 43,600.000
Currency: Dinar DZD
GDP per capita: $15.765
Al Magharibia TV (Almagharibia TV / Arabic: المغاربية) is a satellite television network that broadcasts news, current affairs, business news, political news, and health-themed programming for Maghrebis (Maghrebian people). Live streaming and recorded videos can be viewed on the website.
5. MOROCCO Live NewsTV channels...
Coat of Arms
Capital: Rabat
Language: Arabic, Berber
Area: 710.850 km
Population: 36,472.000
Currency: Moroccan dirham MAD
GDP per capita: $9.339
6. KENYA Live NewsTV channels...
Coat of Arms
Capital: Nairobi
Language: English, Swahilli
Area: 580.367 km
Population: 47,564,296
Currency: Kenyan shiling KSH
GDP per capita: $4.071
Citizen TV is a national station in Kenya owned by Royal Media Services. It is broadcasting mostly in English and Swahili. The channel started broadcasting in 1999. The channel has a strong focus on local programming.
Ebru TV Kenya (a subsidiary of Everest Production Corporation) Kenya, is a News, Lifestyle & Entertainment TV channel. The headquarter is based in Nairobi.